
Colleges / Campus scene

Student chefs from Orange Coast College took top honors this month at the American Culinary Federation’s Western Region Junior Member Hot Food Championships in Portland.

Culinary arts students from Orange Coast finished first among 13 teams from California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada and Utah. They will compete in the national finals in Atlanta in July.

“We’re absolutely thrilled with our performance in Portland,” said Bill Barber, the college’s head chef. “We were competing against the top culinary students from the western United States.”


This is the second time Orange Coast has won the western region. The team took first place in 1995, third in 1994 and second in 1993. The team did not compete in 1996, opting instead for an international contest in Berlin, the 1996 Culinary Olympics.

Each group entered in Portland was required to prepare a four-course meal for four in 90 minutes. The Orange Coast team served duck as its main course.

Judging criteria include serving methods, presentation, portion size, nutritional balance, menu and ingredient compatibility, creativity, flavor and technique.


“Judges commented that this was the best overall field of teams in the western region’s history,” Barber said.

About 250 students are enrolled in Orange Coast’s culinary arts program, which was established 15 years ago.
