
Tree Planting at School Scheduled

Children and adults will team Saturday to help make Vintage Street Fundamental Magnet School a better place.

Students and community members are expected to plant 38 mulberry and silk trees around the perimeter of the school yard, school Principal Ivy Morritt said.

One of the trees will be dedicated to Cherokee McVea. The 7-year-old boy was killed in a 1993 car accident in Van Nuys. The boy, a Vintage Magnet School student, would have graduated with the fifth grade this year.


It will take a few years for the 15-gallon trees to provide any shade over the schoolyard, but “just the green will be very nice,” Morritt said.

The community is invited. Planting will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the school, 15848 Stare St. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided.

“We’re encouraging children to bring their parents,” Morritt said. “We need the muscle.”

Students also have started painting a mural, designed by a student, on the side of one of the classrooms. The mural depicts the school’s motto: “Set your goals high, reach for the sky, think, listen, learn.”
