
Ellen DeGeneres

The two columnists writing about Ellen DeGeneres’ coming out certainly don’t give her many options (Commentary, April 18). Robert Dawidoff wants Ellen to embrace the lesbian lifestyle. He even hopes Ellen experiences “an intense, and even hostile lesbian separatist phase.” Cal Thomas is even more absurd. It’s bad enough he’d stuff Ellen back in the closet, but he also wants her to “go to church with her husband and children, vote Republican,” ad nauseam.

My guess is that DeGeneres wishes to be free of others’ expectations of who she is and who she should be. My hat’s off to Ellen for being her own person and rejecting such extreme options.


San Diego

Why do Thomas and other conservative spokespersons continue to throw up a false dichotomy between gays and their supporters and “family friendly” straights? I am almost the woman he talks about: I am a wife and mother (I was a stay-at-home mother when my children were young), I went to church with my husband and children when the children were at home, and still go more than once a week with my clergyman husband. I honor my country, volunteer at church and with local youth, and am an honest and hard-working employee, a respectful and caring daughter and sister.


I also am the parent of a lesbian daughter, of whom my husband and I are very proud. She works hard at her job, volunteers in a public school, honors her family and country and is a good person.

Face it Cal, you can’t sustain the “liberals are bad parents and bad people” message in the face of reality. And even more, you can’t demonize gays and lesbians. They are our children, siblings, parents and friends.



I was appalled by the attitude of Dawidoff’s article. Quite frankly I am tired of being expected to accept this behavior as “normal.” As a Christian, I cannot accept it. I’m not trying to convey a “holier than thou” attitude, but to wake up people and say I’m not going to listen anymore to the gay rhetoric. I applaud the article by Thomas. Let’s take a stand and be the salt and light in the world of moral decay that God wants us to be.


