
Hormones in Beef

The executive director of the National Cattleman’s Beef Assn. (letter, April 9), in commenting on the ban of American beef for European consumption, expounds on the virtues of the Beef Quality Assurance Program, created to assure that beef bought by consumers is residue-free and exceeds standards set by the USDA.

I think he dissimulates if he suggests that residue-free beef is readily available to the public.

Residue-free beef is available in very small quantities and is not available at any of our major stores. The Beef Quality Assurance Program is voluntary and available to processors at an added cost and therefore not widely used.


Why doesn’t the NCBA fight for this program’s implementation for all the U.S.? Also, if we can produce beef residue-free, why don’t we export it to Europe--isn’t that what the Europeans want?


Retired President, King

Meat Co., Huntington Beach
