
Lazar Foes Get OK to Gather Signatures

The group hoping to oust Mayor Judy Lazar received the go-ahead Tuesday to begin gathering recall signatures.

Residents to Recall Fox and Lazar can now collect signatures to recall Lazar now that city officials have signed off on the organization’s petition format.

The group had already received approval from the city clerk’s office to begin gathering signatures to recall Councilman Andy Fox.


Three council members are facing recall in Thousand Oaks: Lazar, Fox and Councilwoman Elois Zeanah.

Members of Residents to Recall Fox and Lazar were out gathering signatures against Fox at the Conejo Valley Days Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, and the group plans to collect signatures against both its targets for the remainder of the festival.

They also plan on canvassing at local post offices, the Thousand Oaks Library and other locations.


“The testing of the waters over the weekend [at Conejo Valley Days] was very successful,” said Kitty Radler of Residents to Recall Fox and Lazar.

“We really think we’re going to collect a lot of signatures.”
