
$2 Million in Grants to Be Allocated

City officials are expected to make tough decisions tonight about distributing nearly $2 million in federal funds among many needy causes.

The city has about $500,000 left from last year’s Community Development Block Grant funding to add to the $1.4 million apportioned for this year.

The city has had about $2.2 million in requests, according to a report from the Economic Development Department, which oversees the program.


If the council approves the recommendations as expected, some of the largest grants will go to the Main Library, which is slated to receive $250,000, and the Senior Center, which should receive $200,000 to improve its building.

Public Works Department projects, such as street lighting and road repair, are expected to receive about $1.2 million.

Among the nonprofits seeking funds, Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused Children are expected to receive $15,000 to help acquire new group homes.


The Drug Court Clinic of Orange County is slated for a $9,000 grant, and the Episcopal Services Alliance is to receive more than $17,000.

A number of nonprofits are being recommended for $5,000 grants.

Council members will make final decisions after a public hearing during their 7 p.m. meeting at City Hall, 300 E. Chapman Ave.

For more information, call: (714) 744-5500.
