
Pedestrians to Rule Hawaiian Highway

The road isn’t ready to open, but organizers are going forward with a 10-mile foot race at 7 a.m. May 11 along a spectacular stretch of the H-3 freeway on Oahu island.

Nearly 20,000 runners from 36 nations, including 6,000 from the U.S. mainland, have registered. Their “track,” soaring 160 feet high, traverses the Ko’olau mountain range and Halawa valley on the 16-mile H-3, which will link Honolulu with the Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Station on the island’s windward side. Completion of the road is not expected until year’s end.

Spectators are barred from the route, but can attend a free awards ceremony at the race’s end point, Honolulu’s Aloha Stadium. There also will be food and crafts festivals May 6 to 9. The race entry fee of $80 can be paid in advance or on site. Information: (808) 521-4351.
