
Headline Writing

Copy editor Rick Vanderknyff’s headlines, judges wrote, are “Clever enough to draw in the reader, but not clever at the expense of the story”


Orange County Press Club

1st Place: Headline portfolio

2nd place: Headline writing


Full House, Aces High

On a story about the crowds at the El Toro Air Show (April 28, 1996)


Eat the Beetles

On a feature about a man who promotes bugs as cuisine (Feb. 26, 1996)


The Canary Sings, Our Hero Squawks, the Plot Thickens

On a Dana Parsons column--an imaginary screenplay about local politics (March 10, 1996)


Copy editor Tracy Boucher took inspiration from geography for her headline on a story about a fundraising bicyclist who rode from Alaska to South America.

From Cold to Chile (Aug. 29, 1996)

AWARD: Orange County Press Club: 1st place (tie): Headline Writing


Times staffer Jim Carr’s winning headline was on a story out of Irvine; the nation’s only blood bank for dogs.


101 Donations (Dec 20, 1996)

Award: Orange County Press Club: 1st place (tie): Headline Writing
