
Man Robs Bank With Cap Gun, Threat of Bomb

A man carrying a cap gun and a briefcase that he said contained a bomb strolled into a Coast Federal Bank branch late Saturday afternoon and walked out with an unspecified amount of money, police said.

The robbery happened about 3:45 p.m. when the man, wearing a brown leather jacket and a beige baseball cap, walked into the bank at 24033 El Toro Road and ordered customers to the floor, Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Rich Paddock said.

“Then he walked to the counter and put the briefcase on the counter and told the people to stay on the floor because there was an explosive device inside,” Paddock said.


The robber then ordered bank employees to empty three cash drawers and remove items from safe deposit boxes and place them in the same briefcase in which he said he was carrying a bomb, Paddock said.

“As he was passing through the threshold [to leave], he fired two rounds from the cap gun in the air,” Paddock said.

Paddock asked that anyone with information about the robbery call the Sheriff’s Department at (714) 288-6741.
