
Victims Sue U.S., Others Over Bombing

Associated Press

Victims of the Oklahoma City bombing sued the government, a day care center and a Houston chemical company on Friday, alleging they failed to protect the public from the deadly blast.

The lawsuits, filed by Johnnie Cochran and other lawyers, came on the eve of the second anniversary of the explosion at the federal building and beat a two-year statute of limitations that will expire Monday.

The lawsuits were filed against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the America’s Kids Day Care Center, which was inside the federal building, and ICI Explosives. Also named were bombing suspects Timothy J. McVeigh and co-defendant Terry L. Nichols.


More than 300 people joined the lawsuit against the government.

They claim the bureau had warning of the bombing and that officials of the day care center knew or should have known about the attack.

The agency has repeatedly denied having any prior knowledge.
