
Library Renovation Part of Budget Plan

The city budget proposed for next fiscal year is slightly less than this year’s and includes two big changes aimed at improving services.

One large item in the 1997-98 fiscal year budget, which begins in July, is $1 million for a renovation of the Orange Central Library.

This project may cause some consternation because the library will be shut for six months, library services director Gary Wann said. “This is going to be a struggle for a period of time, but when we get through, it will be a positive for the community,” he said.


The $50.6-million annual operating budget also calls for City Hall to stay open alternate Fridays beginning in September. Under the plan, residents will still find city offices open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

City Hall has been closed every Friday since 1992, when a severe recession prodded officials to lay off 132 employees, begin a work furlough program and reduce hours.

City Manager David L. Rudat said the city staff is now lean enough, and the economy has improved enough, to end the work furlough and offer some Friday hours to residents.


The proposed budget, which was presented to the City Council during a workshop Tuesday, is down by about 2.7% from last year’s budget of $52 million. The reduction was accomplished with some one-time savings in some departments.

The budget includes no raises in taxes or fees and proposes no layoffs, although some vacant positions in Community Services and Community Development are set to be slashed.

An emphasis on contracting out services to the private sector has allowed officials to reduce some staffing, Rudat said.


The budget is available for perusal by residents in the City Clerk’s office. The council will hold a public hearing on the document on May 27.
