
Area Goodwill Branch Hails Independence

For Doug Barr, president of Goodwill Industries of Southern California, celebrating the independence of the Ventura and Santa Barbara counties’ Goodwill organization was a bittersweet moment.

“On the one hand I’m very excited for them and the good work they’ll do for the community, but on the other hand I’m going to miss their bottom line,” he said.

On Thursday, Barr joined about 200 others, including local and county government officials, at the Goodwill Outlet in Oxnard to mark the independence. The local organization was formerly administered from the Los Angeles-based Goodwill Industries of Southern California.


The ceremony, which included short prayers, a ribbon-cutting ceremony and the release of dozens of snow-white doves, was punctuated by a speech from former U.S. congressman, “Love Boat” actor and current Goodwill Industries International President Fred Grandy.

“There’s no duty that gives me more satisfaction in this job than seeing a branch become independent,” he said. “Giving more control to the local organizations translates into better service for the community.”

Grandy said the trend of federal devolution of responsibility to state and local levels makes Goodwill’s mission even more important.


“Being locally governed will mean a lot to us because our staff is more in tune with the specific needs of the community,” said Kathy Leahy, president and chief executive of the new Goodwill Industries of Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. “We’ll be able to respond faster and tailor our programs with what the community wants.”

Since opening its first outlet in Oxnard in 1961, Goodwill has expanded to include six outlets throughout Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.

In addition to selling donated goods, Goodwill provides free job-training services to individuals who have difficulty finding jobs. Traditionally, the organization’s clients have been those with either physical or developmental disabilities, but have expanded in recent years to include welfare recipients and recent immigrants.


The local organization offers vocational training in computer clerical skills, a Supported Employment Enclave, which trains workers through a cooperative agreement with the Ventura Harbortown Marina Resort, and other employment assistance programs.

Leahy said the new structure, which will include a board of directors composed of area business leaders, could result in expanded job-training services.

The new operation will continue to pay annual dues to Goodwill Industries International for the use of its logo, technical support, training and other services.
