
Hillary Clinton

Re the first lady’s strange comment, April 11: “The continuing saga of Whitewater reminds her of ‘some people’s obsession with UFOs and the Hale-Bopp comet.’ ”

Yes! (but not the intent of her remarks). Both are a search for the truth. If the wonders of science, the universe and truth were an obsession of more than some people, including Hillary Clinton, our planet/our home would be a better place.


Santa Monica

* So Hillary Clinton is now taking to the airwaves in a futile attempt to assure everyone that “there isn’t anything to be hushed up about,” with regard to Webster L. Hubbell. Perhaps Mrs. Clinton should refer to Shakespeare’s famous quote from “Hamlet,” “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”



La Mesa

* Re “McDougal Trades Whitewater Details for Short Sentence,” April 15:

When I read or hear anything involving Kenneth Starr and his investigations, I am reminded of the Spanish Inquisition or Joseph McCarthy. Faced with 84 years possible prison, I would confess against anyone whether I knew them or not. How can anyone of any intelligence respect a man like Starr with such lowdown tactics? Who on this Earth believes James B. McDougal, now? Shame on you Mr. Starr!


Laguna Hills

* President and Mrs. Clinton declared over $1 million in income during 1996 and paid approximately $199,000 in federal income tax (“Clintons Now Millionaires, Thanks to First Lady’s Book,” April 15).

Considering Clinton’s salary as president is $200,000 per year, the Clintons have discovered firsthand what all of us have known for quite some time: Because of confiscatory tax policies, it takes two incomes to get by these days; one to pay the bills and one to pay the government!


