
Domestic Abuse Records of Officers Checked

Los Angeles police officials said Wednesday they are reviewing a list of officers who may have domestic abuse records and might be prohibited under a new law from carrying firearms.

The list contains about 200 names, but police officials said a preliminary review has found that it includes some names of people who are not LAPD officers. In some cases, the names resemble those of department employees but are not the same person. In others, the names are of job candidates who never joined the force.

Lt. Anthony Alba said the department is in the process of matching the list with personnel records to determine the actual number of officers who might be affected by an amendment to the 1968 Gun Control Act that prohibits domestic abuse offenders from possessing guns. The amendment was passed by Congress in September.


Officers who have such convictions will probably be transferred from field assignments to desk jobs that do not require them to carry guns, police officials said.

In December, The Times quoted a high-ranking LAPD official as saying there could be “30 or 40” officers on 9,400-member force that may be affected by the law. A Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department official also said that 40 deputies out of its force of 8,400 may be subject to thelaw.
