
Decorative Fence Planned for Parkland

As part of the city’s park improvement program, a wrought-iron fence will be installed this spring on parkland at the Southern California Edison right of way at Valley View Street.

The City Council, acting in its role as Community Development Commission, this week awarded an $11,559 contract for the fencing. The decorative wrought iron will replace an old chain-link fence.

Public Works Director Ismile Noorbaksh said installation will start in early May, and he expects completion by about mid-June.


“I’m just glad we’re taking care of this fence,” said Councilwoman Charlene Hatakeyama. “It was pretty unsightly. Hopefully this will be a nice improvement.”

Noorbaksh said the new fence will be attached to pilasters--architecturally designed columns--to enhance its appearance. The fence will be anchored on stone blocks.

The contract was awarded to the low bidder, Cancino Construction Co. of Long Beach.
