
Minding the Store


Self-styled clairvoyant Betty Bradley delivers a one-hour empowerment and motivation speech to 16 people forming a circle. It’s almost like a therapy session sprinkled with spirituality and quotes from the Bible.

She talks about reincarnation, karmic balance, aura and self-esteem.

“There is nobody you meet by accident,” Bradley tells the intrigued members of the class, called empowerment meditation. She pauses for a moment, smiles and continues: “We’re in control of our lives and emotions. Always.”

When she’s done with the speech, the lights go out and it’s time to meditate. There are glow-in-the-dark stars and half-moons glued to the walls, and two large trumpets on a wood platform in the middle of the circle. Sometimes spirits make them move, Bradley says. Several in the room claim they have seen it happen.


After talking the group through a lengthy visualization exercise, Bradley’s voice suddenly becomes that of man with a thick Chinese accent. She says it’s a spirit named AM, who channels through her regularly. AM gives each individual in the class a spiritual reading.

One woman cries after hers. Another is in awe after hearing specific details of her current work situation. A few moments later, a 70-year-old man gets emotional after being told that a young man wearing shorts and a T-shirt is next to him saying, “Everything is fine. I’m OK.”

The older man says it’s the spirit of his son-in-law who died tragically in a surfing accident at age 37.


After about two hours of chatting with the group, AM says goodbye and Bradley is back. The lights go on and students walk out, some shaking their heads, others in tears.

Bradley and her best friend, Joan Schuerger, who also describes herself as a clairvoyant and healer, conduct a variety of classes related to the metaphysical at their Canoga Park bookstore, Beyond Reality. The empowerment meditation class is among the most popular, so it’s offered regularly throughout the year.

Besides a large variety of metaphysical books, the 4,000-square-foot facility sells crystals, Tarot cards and spiritual music. Dream catchers hang from the ceiling as you make your way back to one of two small rooms where private spiritual readings are conducted for $1 a minute.


Nearby are two large rooms where up to four courses are offered each weeknight and some Saturdays. Classes are conducted by authors, astrologers and those who say they have psychic powers. The courses include understanding mediumship, beginning psychic development, astrology, psychic Tarot and healing.

Schuerger, 39, quit her job as an office manager, and Bradley, 49, left hers as a schoolteacher to open Beyond Reality less than a year ago.

“Our store is about mainstreaming the spirit world and empowering people, not about casting spells or teaching you magic,” said Schuerger.

Both say they have been in regular contact with the spirit world since childhood, but not until investing in the bookstore did they make a living as clairvoyants.

Their clients include cancer patients and paraplegics hoping to get healed, and people of all ages seeking information on the future or insight on the present. Bradley and Schuerger offer money-back guarantees on their spiritual readings. So far most of their customers have been satisfied, at least the ones not demanding to get rich quickly.

“Some people come in and ask, ‘Can you give me the winning lotto numbers?’ and I just laugh,” Bradley said. “If I had them, I’d keep them!”



Learn more. A variety of classes related to the metaphysical are offered daily at Beyond Reality, 21831 Sherman Way, Canoga Park. Fees are $6-$20 a class. Information: (818) 888-0487.
