
Motion Picture Academy to Show 5 Films by CSUN Students to Be Screened

When Shepherd Stevenson went searching for an idea for his senior film at Cal State Northridge, he didn’t have to look far.

The 40-year-old found a compelling story in his recovery from alcoholism and his fight to get his life back on track.

“I’m sort of fascinated by recovery,” Stevenson said. “It’s a simple process where one person is helping another person.”


Stevenson’s resulting 20-minute film, called “Riding the Range,” was chosen as one of five by CSUN students to be screened beginning at 7 tonight at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills.

“The work they do is quite exemplary,” said Judy Marlane, chairwoman of CSUN’s radio, television and film department.

Film industry representatives are expected to view the five films, which were selected out of about a dozen senior projects. Each of the filmmakers will receive cash awards to defray some of the filming costs, Marlane said.
