
Local Groups to Share $656,667 in U.S. Funds

Officials will decide today how to spend $656,667 in federal funding earmarked for community improvements and local charities.

The city is receiving $449,000 in grants this year from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to make improvements to old neighborhoods, provide fair housing programs, update code enforcement and subsidize charities. Most of the remainder is unspent money being carried over from last year.

About half of the available money, or $328,000, will likely be dedicated to housing and neighborhood revitalization programs that spruce up old homes owned by senior citizens and lower-income residents, said Jeff Clemens, housing coordinator for the city.


Face lifts also are planned for sidewalks, streets and other public properties.

About $67,450 will be allocated to Fountain Valley schools and charitable programs. Funding requests have been received from agencies--either located in the city or assisting city residents--that help battered women, senior citizens and at-risk youth, Clemens said.

Other projected expenditures include $85,000 for mobile home improvements; $40,000 for code enforcement; $25,000 for a weight room at Fountain Valley High School; and $15,080 for job-training programs.

The city’s Housing and Community Development Advisory Board recommended the allocations in a report to the City Council, which is expected to make some minor changes to the advisory board’s recommendations, said Mayor John J. Collins.


The council meets tonight at 7 in City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave.

Information: (714) 965-4445.
