
Medical Disciplinary Actions

The Medical Board of California licenses physicians and other medical professionals. It also investigates medical complaints and issues disciplinary actions. The most serious penalties include license revocation, suspension and probation.

These are the Los Angeles County physicians and surgeons subject to serious disciplinary actions between Nov. 1, 1996, and Jan. 31, 1997, according to Medical Board documents. Generally, final actions are published only after all appeals are exhausted.

Robert Z. Braun MD, Los Angeles: Sexual relations with a patient. Revocation of license stayed; seven years probation. Effective Jan. 23, 1997.


Anthony Lee Cappelli MD, Bellflower: Discipline and restrictions placed on his Drug Enforcement Administration certificate of registration by the U.S. Department of Justice. Disciplined via public letter of reprimand.* Effective: Dec. 17, 1996.

Rodney Daniel Collins MD, Los Angeles: Felony criminal conviction for reckless driving and unlawful use of cocaine and marijuana. Revocation of license stayed; license will be suspended for 180 days beginning July 22, 1997; five years probation. Effective Dec. 9, 1996.

John A. Giddings MD, Duarte: Incompetent care of a cardiac patient. Revocation of license stayed; three years probation. Effective Nov. 11, 1996.


Larrian Marie Gillespie MD, Beverly Hills: Negligence in the care of four patients complaining of urological difficulties. Revocation of license stayed; five years probation. Effective Jan. 6, 1997.

Kanan Anil Modi MD, San Dimas: Failed to timely diagnose and hospitalize a 7-year-old patient suffering from mastoiditis, failed to see the patient for approximately 30 to 36 hours after admission to the hospital, failed to properly treat patient’s allergic drug reaction and prepared a false medical record for the patient. Revocation of license stayed; four years probation. Effective Jan. 15, 1997.

Zoika Sarieva MD, Los Angeles: Misdemeanor criminal conviction for issuing unlawful prescriptions; created false medical records; impairment because of mental illness. License revoked. Effective Dec. 13, 1996.


Charles Sassoon MD, Huntington Park: Drug stock contained numerous outdated and expired medications, some dating back as far as 10 years; medications stored in containers with altered labels; general condition of medical office filthy and unsanitary. Revocation of license stayed; two years probation. Effective Dec. 2, 1996.

Reginald Woodrow Yeske MD, Long Beach: Failed to document in his office medical records a good-faith physical examination of a patient. Revocation of license stayed; one year probation. Effective Dec. 27, 1996.

*Lesser form of discipline that can be negotiated for minor violations before or after the filing of formal accusations. The licensee is chastised in the form of a letter that becomes a part of his or her public record.

Source: Medical Board of California, Sacramento
