
Forum to Bring Investors and Companies Together


Steve Fox and Don Wilkinson have some big plans.

The owners of CPS Communications in Ventura already produce the Ventura County Visitor magazine, the Homes and Land real estate guide, the Ventura Chamber of Commerce Directory and other tourism and leisure publications.

They also operate Internet Innovations, through which they manage several Web sites, including the Ventura County Internet Mall--a listing of county businesses.

That may seem like enough, but Fox and Wilkinson actually are eager to expand their operation. And a little extra financial backing in support of their plans wouldn’t hurt.


The business partners hope to generate funds April 22 at the second annual Enterprise Development Center Forum co-sponsored by Cal Lutheran University and Southern California Edison.

CPS Communications is one of 10 companies scheduled to present their business plans to about 70 potential investors who will gather at the North Ranch Country Club in Westlake Village to consider business opportunities.

Fox said he would like to raise about $500,000 from the forum to help launch the Ventura County Business Journal, to expand the company’s Internet services and tourism publications operation and for general working capital.


“We see great growth ahead for Ventura County and think it is a great area to be in and a great area to be doing business in,” Fox said. “We’re hoping that people will see what we’re doing, believe in what we’re doing and want to partner with us.”

Other presenters on the program include Phenix Ltd., an Oxnard company that recently received a patent on a method of combustion that burns coal as cleanly as natural gas.

Officials of Cutting Edge Technology Advisors of Ventura will also be on hand, representing Bales Scientific Inc., a Walnut Creek company involved with infrared technology. Businesses from Sherman Oaks, Chatsworth, San Juan Capistrano, Brea, La Canada and Agoura will also participate.


The presenters, representing a variety of industries, were selected from among 22 applicants by a panel of business professionals.

“Some don’t need too much money; some need a lot,” said forum director Mike Miller. “Most of them are established, from the standpoint that they are turning the dollar over, but they’re not established in the market. Simply, they need support to get out there and do it.”

Edison sponsors seven investor forums throughout Southern California.

“This gets them launched, whether it’s a new product for an existing company or a new company altogether,” Miller said. “This group [for the Cal Lutheran forum] seems to have very positive needs when it comes to growth. They need the money now. I think that’s a reflection of the economy as well as their ability to see the opportunity and jump on it.”

Newbury Park-based TechnoConcepts, a manufacturer of integrated circuits for the wireless communications industry, participated in the university’s inaugural investor forum last year. Although the company did not find an investor, the experience helped executives more clearly define their business goals.

“It was a growing experience for the company,” said John Valdez, operations manager for TechnoConcepts. “We found that we were very inexperienced. We met with a bunch of investors and they all said the same thing: ‘You have a good business and you’re feeding yourselves, but you’re not ready for investment.’ ”

The company has since rewritten its business plan.

“We engaged other consultants to help us rewrite and help us focus our agenda,” Valdez said. “We are still seeking investment, it’s just that at this time we need to focus.”
