
Downsized and Out? Trainers Standing By

If you’re a downsized or displaced worker interested in being trained for placement in a multimedia job, the North Orange County Community College District has just the program.

The project, the only one of its kind receiving funding from the Labor Department, will help train you for multimedia jobs in entertainment, education, marketing and other areas, then help you find work. Only those who have lost their jobs because of layoffs, plant closures or their own unprofitable businesses are eligible. Other requirements include one or two years’ experience using computer graphics software, good communication skills and the desire to be a team player.

The application deadline for the Interactive Multimedia Training Certification Program is April 21. Training lasts nine weeks beginning June 9 and will be held weekdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Wilshire Adult Continuing Education Center, 315 E. Wilshire Ave., Fullerton.


For more information, call (714) 695-1501, Ext. 217.


Spare Some Time: The Computer Museum invites you to cheer on the coast of your choice as the ninth annual Computer Bowl pits two teams of industry CEOs from the East and West coasts. The competition, scheduled for Friday at the Santa Clara Convention Center in the Bay Area, is a fund-raising event for the museum’s educational programs.

For more information, call (617) 426-2800 or visit the Computer Museum’s Web site at


* Friendly, Responsible, Environmentally Evolved Lovers Alliance, Yes (or FREEPLAY) is an organization of 600 dog lovers who are lobbying for Los Angeles to establish off-leash areas in its parks and on public beaches. To get involved, visit


* Pasta lovers can point their browsers to for all types of pasta recipes.

* The Consumers Car Club ( is a national organization assembled to help you assert your buying power. It also has insurance and financing information.

* Kids can follow illustrated stories online at There’s also a gallery of pictures and links to storytelling sites and other educational pages.


* The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department is now online at There are lists of support services and volunteer opportunities, as well as information on missing or wanted people and specialized sheriff’s teams. Check out the sound files of actual radio transmissions of patrol deputies dispatched to a scene or in pursuit.

* The millennium is coming! The millennium is coming! Actually, for Web surfers, it’s already here, at The site features a countdown to the new century, jokes of the future, an essay on the dreaded computer date problem and explorations of politics and society in 2000.

* Was the pet rock really your idea? Just didn’t know what to do with it? The Inventors Network ( has patent help, a directory of attorneys who specialize in patent law, inventions for sale and an inventors chat forum.

* EnviroLink is an online grass-roots community that unites volunteers and professionals worldwide. At, peruse the EnviroLink Vision Gallery of arts, sound off in the Express Yourself forums or check out the environmental Web site reviews.

* The Children’s Bureau of Southern California ( has information about child abuse prevention and awareness.

* Addressing the plight of street children in Latin America is the focus of Covenant House Latin America ( The Casa Alianza site is an index of how you can help fight against the human rights abuses these children are suffering.


* Ask Mr. Tile ( can solve all your home-tiling problems. Submit questions or view past answers for tips on everything from the best way to remove old tiles to selecting a hearth pad for a wood-burning stove.


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