
Glendale Fire Unit Honors Those Who Aided Burned Firefighters

The Glendale Fire Department threw a party Saturday to thank people who helped in the evacuation, treatment and recovery of firefighters injured in the devastating Calabasas wildfire in October.

The most seriously injured firefighter, Bill Jensen, said it was wonderful to come back and thank all the people he owes his life to, and those who prayed for him as he was recovering from critical injuries at the Grossman Burn Center at Sherman Oaks Hospital.

Jensen said he was especially grateful to the children who sent their best wishes.

“I had so many kids write me letters and cards. . . . I want to go back and thank them all,” he said.


Scott French, another Glendale firefighter burned in the same incident with Jensen, said he was grateful to everyone “involved not only in just my recovery, but also the people who really pulled together for Bill.”

Jensen, a veteran of more than 30 years of firefighting service, said he did not know whether he would return to active duty.

But he said he wants to stay in contact with his colleagues for the rest of his life.
