
Health Expo Offers Free Screenings

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center is offering free children’s immunizations, body fat analysis and eye tests from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at its 11th annual Health Fair Expo.

Free screenings will test for back problems, glaucoma, allergies and hearing problems. In addition, a basic blood panel, which includes thyroid, kidney and liver function analysis and a cholesterol count, is available for $25. Prostate cancer screenings are $25.

An exhibit for children, called Kids Health, allows youngsters to check their height and weight and teaches them about car seat safety and how to avoid poisonous substances.


Health-care professionals will answer questions.

The expo, sponsored by the Fountain Valley Rotary Club, will be held under tents in the hospital parking lot, 17100 Euclid St.

Information: (714) 979-1408.
