
Actresses @ Work

The response from Angie Chuang’s article “For This Club, Hollywood Life Begins at 35” (April 2) has been overwhelmingly powerful and amazingly diverse. Not only have we--Actresses @ Work--heard from an astounding number of successful mid-career actresses in need of support, but producers, directors, writers and non-show business people as well.

It has been confirmed to us that ageism is infecting all of our society--it’s not just actresses over 35 who have felt a decline in employment. Our phone has been ringing off the hook. One of our favorite messages said this--”I’m not an actress, just a real person--and a Generation Xer at that--but how can I help with your TV letter-writing campaign? I’d like to change the way women over 35 are represented, too!”

We ask that you print our mailing address, enabling us to send letter-writing kits to those who want their opinions to be heard: Please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Actresses @ Work, 21115 Devonshire St., No. 354, Chatsworth, CA 91311.


Thank you for confirming what my heart has always told me: “. . . A few people, with honest convictions, can gain the ear of their fellow man.”


Actresses @ Work

