
Appeals Court Ruling on 209

Re “U.S. Panel Upholds Prop. 209,” April 9: Prop. 209 calls for the end of discrimination by putting an end to the very means to do so: affirmative action. Its supporters decry “preferential treatment” in a society where such treatment abounds for the wealthy, the well-connected and white, while “unpreferential treatment” is the fate for the poor, many people of color and women.

Prop. 209 provides neither a vision nor a policy for remedying past and present injustices. It is a rhetorical ploy that uses the language of civil rights to ensure the perpetuation of the most uncivil realities.



Your April 9 editorial’s tortured logic in explaining how the words “the state shall not discriminate . . . on the basis of race, sex, color” are unconstitutional shows why liberals have lost touch with the average American. Using your argument, the 14th Amendment is unconstitutional because it does not forbid preferential treatment of certain groups such as veterans, children of alumni, etc. If the state wished, it could pass laws prohibiting such treatment and there would be no question about their constitutionality.


Vigorously and fairly enforcing antidiscrimination laws will ensure that the groups covered in Prop. 209 and the 14th Amendment are provided equal protection.


Port Hueneme

It is simply unconstitutional to deny any group, even if they are the majority group in a society, equal rights, no matter how well-intentioned the goal.

To quote from your own editorial, Prop. 209 “forbids racial, ethnic and gender preferences by state and local agencies in hiring, contracting and university admissions.” Prop. 209 protects every citizen’s rights, no matter what ethnic group we originate from.




The ruling to lift the injunction against Prop. 209 is an outrage. Discrimination is still a very large part of our society and the decision by these judges to outlaw affirmative action, in effect, attempts to make racism respectable again.

Looking at the trends of decreasing voter turnout and that voters are largely a white population, it’s not surprising that initiatives like Props. 209 and 187 pass. But our judicial system is in place to ensure fairness in our society. It seems that this panel of judges is not immune to racist impulses and, further, pushes that agenda in its decision.


Los Angeles

“A system that permits one judge to block with a stroke of the pen what 4,736,180 residents voted to enact as law tests the integrity of our constitutional democracy,” wrote 9th Circuit Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain. Does this mean that 4 million-plus, by amendment to the state Constitution, can institute slavery in this state? And perhaps other exciting things?



Seal Beach
