
The Times Poll : Profile of the City Electorate

The chart below shows the demographic makeup of those who voted Tuesday in the citywide election and what percentage of each group voted for mayoral candidates Richard Riordan and Tom Hayden, for city attorney candidates James K. Hahn and Ted Stein and for Propositions 8 and BB.


% of Mayor ALL Richard Tom voters Riordan Hayden SEX 57% Men 62% 33% 43% Women 59% 38% RACE/ETHNICITY 65% White 71% 26% 13% Black 19% 75% 15% Latino 60% 33% 4% Asian 62% 35% AGE 10% 18 to 29 47% 45% 40% 30 to 49 58% 39% 23% 50 to 64 62% 34% 27% 65 and over 70% 26% EDUCATION 25% High school graduate or less 60% 35% 26% Some college 63% 34% 49% College degree or more 60% 36% INCOME 16% Less than $20,000 53% 42% 24% $20,000 to under $40,000 54% 41% 23% $40,000 to under $60,000 62% 34% 37% $60,000 or more 67% 30% RELIGION 37% Non-Catholic Christian 64% 32% 28% Roman Catholic 65% 31% 15% Jewish 71% 26% PARTY REGISTRATION 60% Democratic 47% 49% 7% Independent 58% 34% 31% Republican 91% 7% POLITICAL IDEOLOGY 27% Liberal 33% 62% 47% Moderate 66% 30% 26% Conservative 81% 16% WHICH OF THESE APPLY TO YOU? (multiple responses accepted 43% Homeowner 69% 28% 26% Renter 46% 50% 40% Live in racially/ethnically diverse neighborhood 54% 42% 4% Gay or lesbian 41% 54% GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 18% Westside 64% 33% 42% San Fernando Valley 74% 22% 22% Central city 55% 41% 18% South city 35% 61%




% of City Attorney ALL James Ted voters Hahn Stein SEX 57% Men 61% 39% 43% Women 64% 36% RACE/ETHNICITY 65% White 57% 43% 13% Black 82% 18% 15% Latino 68% 32% 4% Asian 55% 45% AGE 10% 18 to 29 63% 37% 40% 30 to 49 60% 40% 23% 50 to 64 66% 34% 27% 65 and over 61% 39% EDUCATION 25% High school graduate or less 67% 33% 26% Some college 58% 42% 49% College degree or more 62% 38% INCOME 16% Less than $20,000 66% 34% 24% $20,000 to under $40,000 66% 34% 23% $40,000 to under $60,000 60% 40% 37% $60,000 or more 61% 40% RELIGION 37% Non-Catholic Christian 59% 41% 28% Roman Catholic 62% 38% 15% Jewish 60% 40% PARTY REGISTRATION 60% Democratic 72% 28% 7% Independent 57% 43% 31% Republican 44% 56% POLITICAL IDEOLOGY 27% Liberal 79% 21% 47% Moderate 60% 40% 26% Conservative 47% 53% WHICH OF THESE APPLY TO YOU? (multiple responses accepted 43% Homeowner 63% 37% 26% Renter 64% 36% 40% Live in racially/ethnically diverse neighborhood 64% 36% 4% Gay or lesbian 58% 42% GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 18% Westside 59% 41% 42% San Fernando Valley 56% 44% 22% Central city 65% 35% 18% South city 77% 23%





% of Ballot Propositions ALL Prop. 8 voters (Charter reform) Yes No SEX 57% Men 62% 38% 43% Women 60% 40% RACE/ETHNICITY 65% White 63% 37% 13% Black 52% 48% 15% Latino 59% 41% 4% Asian 63% 37% AGE 10% 18 to 29 58% 42% 40% 30 to 49 57% 43% 23% 50 to 64 63% 37% 27% 65 and over 67% 33% EDUCATION 25% High school graduate or less 60% 40% 26% Some college 58% 42% 49% College degree or more 63% 37% INCOME 16% Less than $20,000 58% 42% 24% $20,000 to under $40,000 55% 45% 23% $40,000 to under $60,000 67% 33% 37% $60,000 or more 63% 37% RELIGION 37% Non-Catholic Christian 60% 40% 28% Roman Catholic 60% 40% 15% Jewish 71% 29% PARTY REGISTRATION 60% Democratic 58% 42% 7% Independent 60% 40% 31% Republican 69% 31% POLITICAL IDEOLOGY 27% Liberal 57% 43% 47% Moderate 62% 38% 26% Conservative 64% 36% WHICH OF THESE APPLY TO YOU? (multiple responses accepted 43% Homeowner 66% 34% 26% Renter 57% 43% 40% Live in racially/ethnically diverse neighborhood 57% 43% 4% Gay or lesbian 56% 44% GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 18% Westside 66% 34% 42% San Fernando Valley 65% 35% 22% Central city 55% 45% 18% South city 54% 46%




% of Ballot Propositions ALL Prop. BB voters (School bonds) Yes No SEX 57% Men 68% 32% 43% Women 73% 27% RACE/ETHNICITY 65% White 67% 33% 13% Black 76% 24% 15% Latino 82% 18% 4% Asian 63% 37% AGE 10% 18 to 29 79% 21% 40% 30 to 49 72% 28% 23% 50 to 64 66% 34% 27% 65 and over 68% 32% EDUCATION 25% High school graduate or less 73% 27% 26% Some college 65% 35% 49% College degree or more 71% 29% INCOME 16% Less than $20,000 76% 24% 24% $20,000 to under $40,000 75% 25% 23% $40,000 to under $60,000 66% 34% 37% $60,000 or more 69% 31% RELIGION 37% Non-Catholic Christian 66% 34% 28% Roman Catholic 72% 28% 15% Jewish 80% 20% PARTY REGISTRATION 60% Democratic 78% 22% 7% Independent 67% 33% 31% Republican 57% 43% POLITICAL IDEOLOGY 27% Liberal 85% 15% 47% Moderate 70% 30% 26% Conservative 54% 46% WHICH OF THESE APPLY TO YOU? (multiple responses accepted 43% Homeowner 68% 32% 26% Renter 76% 24% 40% Live in racially/ethnically diverse neighborhood 71% 29% 4% Gay or lesbian 81% 19% GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 18% Westside 77% 23% 42% San Fernando Valley 64% 36% 22% Central city 75% 25% 18% South city 73% 27%


Source: Los Angeles Times exit poll conducted April 8

Note: Numbers may not add to 100% where more than one response was accepted or where some categories are not shown


How the Poll Was Conducted: The Times Poll interviewed 3,035 voters as they left 60 polling places in the city of Los Angeles. Precincts were chosen based on the pattern of turnout in past municipal elections. The survey was by confidential questionnaire, in English and Spanish. The margin of sampling error for the entire sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points. For some subgroups the error margin may be somewhat higher.Because the survey does not include absentee voters or those who declined to participate, actual returns and demographic estimates by the interviewers were used to adjust the sample slightly. Times Poll data is also available on the World Wide Web at
