
Residents Win Permanent Briardale Avenue Detours Over Merchants’ Protests

In a dispute that pitted residents against businesses, residents on Briardale Avenue have won permanent traffic diversions to keep their street from being a shortcut for motorists.

City Council members overruled business owners in the Clocktower shopping center this week and approved making permanent the temporary detours at the intersection of Briardale, Tustin Street and East Taft Avenue.

Business owners said the six-month trial period for the detours, which reduced traffic on the residential street, had cut down the flow of customers.


But Public Works Director Harry W. Thomas said the test successfully detoured motorists who been using Briardale, a residential street, to avoid the congested business districts along Tustin. Motorists who do drive on the street are now staying closer to the speed limit than before, he said.

“The benefits far outweigh the inconveniences,” Thomas said. “There are no perfect solutions.”

Residents were jubilant at the unanimous vote to make the restrictions permanent.

“Safety, peace and quiet have been returned to my neighborhood,” Vera Mater said. “We tried to tolerate the situation but simply could not cope any longer.”
