
First Woman to Lead Notre Dame High School

Stevie Connelly took a quick glance into the empty principal’s office at Notre Dame High School, smiled to herself and then walked down the hall to her much smaller vice principal’s cubicle.

To the casual observer, Connelly merely seemed to be looking for Principal David Doyle.

But Connelly was actually surveying what will become her office in September when she takes over as the first woman principal in the 50-year history of the college preparatory Catholic school in Sherman Oaks.

Connelly takes the helm in the fall from Doyle, who is leaving to pursue a doctorate degree.


“I am thrilled to have been chosen principal of Notre Dame High School,” Connelly said. “I have been overwhelmed by the support I have received from the entire school. That support is what is going to make this job so enjoyable because one person can’t do it alone.”
