
Wireless Technology Rules to Be Weighed

A proposal setting rules for placement of wireless telecommunications equipment will be considered by the City Council today.

After receiving an unexpected number of requests last year for installation of the microwave antennas for cellular phones, the city staff has drawn up an ordinance stating where the structures can be built.

The devices use radio waves to connect computers. They can be attached inexpensively and easily to structures such as light poles, but many people consider them to be unsightly, city officials said.


“Technology is changing so fast, we must stay ahead of it to make sure the public is protected both from a blight standpoint as well as a public safety point of view,” Councilman Joel T. Lautenschleger said.

The council debated the issue March 11 but action was delayed so that city officials could further study the situation and address questions raised by telecommunications companies.

The council will meet at 7 p.m. in chambers at City Hall, 25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 150. Information: (714) 707-2600.
