
Outlaw Tumbles but Doesn’t Kick

Move over Dennis Rodman.

Clipper swingman Charles Outlaw knocked over a fan seated in the second row of the courtside seats at the Continental Arena when he fell into the stands while chasing a loose ball in the fourth quarter of Sunday’s victory at New Jersey.

However, unlike Rodman, who kicked a TV cameraman, Outlaw didn’t kick the woman he accidentally hit.

“I fell on a chair and hit her, but she was OK,” Outlaw said. “I asked her if she was OK. I wasn’t trying to hurt the lady. What was I supposed to say, ‘Move?’ ”



Forward Loy Vaught said he is overjoyed to return home after spending almost two weeks on the road.

“This has been my longest trip,” Vaught said. “Staying in a hotel, eating room service and being jet-lagged is hard on an old guy like me.”

Note: Vaught is 29.


Although Bill Fitch hasn’t coached the Nets since 1993, he remains popular in New Jersey.

Fitch received gifts from several fans Sunday and was besieged by autograph seekers.

Fitch said it was satisfying to beat his old team.

“There were times when I couldn’t [win] when I was here,” Fitch said. “I don’t have any vendettas or anything here. I’ve got a lot of friends here and I like to come back here. I suppose if we won every time we came back here, it wouldn’t be as friendly as it is.”
