
Alan Greenspan, Reporter Tie Knot

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

In what has been dubbed the capital’s wedding of the year, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell were married Sunday inside a cozy inn as a light rain fell outside on blooming dogwoods in rural Virginia.

Among the approximately 75 friends and family members attending were ABC’s Barbara Walters, Republican Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia and former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and his wife, Nancy.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg officiated at the ceremony, according to NBC officials.


Most of the guests boarded a chartered bus for the 1 1/2-hour trip through Virginia hunting country to the Inn at Little Washington--where the best rooms go for $590 a night--in this tiny village.

Greenspan and Mitchell met in 1983, when she interviewed him about the future of Social Security while he was serving on a commission to save the system. He asked her out two years later and they dated for 12 years before he popped the question last Christmas Day.
