
Prop. 6

The Times’ editorial (April 2) asks that voters reject Proposition 6 on Tuesday’s ballot. That recommendation is wrong! This measure would provide our council offices with direly needed funds from private monies, which can be used for district mailings, dissemination of information to constituents, scholarships, charitable organizations and flowers for bereavements. These officeholder accounts are lifesavers in these times of limited resources. Taxpayers are not asked to contribute any of their hard-earned dollars. The private voluntary donations give us the opportunity to accomplish much in our districts that we wouldn’t be able to do otherwise.

Even the editorial said: “It’s true that Los Angeles officials have done some good things with their officeholder account funds.” Yes, we have done many good things, but the restrictive limits brought about by the passage of state Proposition 208 reduces enormously what we’re able to do for our constituents. We can’t afford to lower the quality and quantity of services provided by the officeholder accounts. The people who need these services cannot and will not accept a reduction in the level of service that’s provided for by the officeholder accounts. Vote yes on Prop. 6 on Tuesday.


Councilman, 10th District
