
So Much in an Itsy-Bitsy Country

Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer

Luxembourg, known as the “Green Heart of Europe,” is only 110 miles long and 125 miles wide, with forests in the north, the Moselle Valley wine region in the south and a population of 400,000.

Luxembourg’s youth hostel association, Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises, has arranged three do-it-yourself packages.

Luxembourg City is the capital of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Sites of interest include a 1,000-year-old fortress and a long network of underground galleries (casemates) in the rocks, the Grand-Ducal Palace, the National Museum and the Historical Museum of the City of Luxembourg.


The Stopover in Luxembourg City package, $79, includes two overnight stays and breakfast at the youth hostel in dormitory accommodations. Travelers also receive a city map, information and vouchers for three local tourist attractions: the Petruss Express (you travel through the past of the fortress in a tourist train with stereo), a visit to the Bock Casemates and a self-guided city tour with a stereo headset (you must leave a $30 deposit for the equipment). You can start this package any day of the week until the end of September.

To take advantage of the 13 hostels throughout the countryside, there are do-it-yourself hiking and cycling packages.

Hiking tour packages are available until Oct. 31, and can begin on any day. A $220 fee covers seven nights with breakfast in dormitory rooms in youth hostels, two maps of Luxembourg and a city tour with headset. The first night is spent in Luxembourg City Youth Hostel, and you make reservations for the next hostels as you go. The hostels are 10 to 20 miles apart. White triangles mark the trails that connect hostels.


Cycling tour packages cost $303 and are also available until Oct. 31 on any day. The fee includes seven overnight stays with full board in youth hostels, a seven-day mountain bike rental with backpack, two topographical maps of Luxembourg and a city tour with headset.

The Luxembourg City Youth Hostel can be reached by taking bus No. 9 from the train station or airport.

To participate you must be at least 16 years old and have a valid membership to Hostelling International. Book at least one week in advance.


The regular price for a dormitory bed with breakfast in the Luxembourg City Youth Hostel is $12 per night; in a two-person room the rate is $16.50 per person. In the countryside, rates run $10.35 to $11.55 for dormitory bed and breakfast. Rates are slightly higher for travelers over 25.

For reservations, contact Centrale des Auberges de Jeunesse Luxembourgeoises, 2 Rue du Fort Olisy, B.P. 374, L-2013 Luxembourg; tel. 011-352-22-55-88.

For further information on Luxembourg, contact the Luxembourg Tourist Office at 17 Beekman Place, New York, NY 10022; tel. (212) 935-8888.

Travelers under 26 can purchase junior versions of the Benelux Tourrail Passes, valid for five days of rail travel within one month in Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands, from travel agents before they leave home for $104.

Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at
