
Getting a Clue on Outdoor Survival

Lost in the wilderness? The California State Parks system is offering two weekend programs, May 16-18 and Oct. 3-5, to help women learn outdoor skills.

In both programs, women can choose four out of nine classes: beginning backpacking, introduction to camping, first aid, map and compass use, outdoor cooking, sharing nature with children, wildflower identification (with a hike), wilderness survival and canoeing (canoes provided).

The May session, for 150 women, will be at Mendocino Woodlands, just east of Mendocino. The October session, for 70 women, will be at Big Basin Redwoods State Park, just south of Santa Cruz.


The $238 cost includes the classes, meals and lodging in cabins or tent cabins. Participants provide their own bedding, towels and transportation to the site. Reservations for “Women in the Outdoors” must be made at least three weeks in advance: tel. (800) 401-4775.
