

Thanks to Mary Melton for her reference to West Adams (“Please Come to Reseda,” So SoCal, Feb. 16). And my appreciation as well for spotlighting an affordable community (where homes are worth between $120,000 and $200,000) that is conveniently located--handy to downtown Los Angeles, Hollywood and the Westside--and neighborhood-oriented: Block parties, tree plantings, ice cream socials and more are regularly sponsored by the Victoria Park Homeowners Assn., the West Adams Heritage Assn., the Adams-Normandie Neighborhood Assn., the Harvard Heights Homeowners Assn. and the many other community groups that call West Adams home.

Tim Mozer

Studio City


Regarding Melton’s article about the Community Choice guidebook: We do provide guidebooks and software to the real estate industry and related businesses for the purpose of assisting home buyers in the process of community selection. But we generally do not profile those communities if the housing overwhelmingly consists of rental units. Certainly, renters can benefit tremendously from our publication, but they are not our primary readership.

We definitely do not ignore certain areas, profiling communities in all sections of the county. Our publication is probably the most comprehensive guidebook of its kind ever developed for Southern California.


Ned Hawley, Editor

Community Choice

Los Angeles
