
Amelia Earhart

Re “Pilot Sets Out to Finish What Earhart Started,” March 18.

Seeing Linda Finch come out of the sky at Burbank Airport in a vintage Electra 10E to recreate [Amelia Earhart’s] fatal flight of 1937 was historically inspiring.

It restores Earhart’s place in history as a role model for generations past and future and reestablishes her dominance as the greatest women flier of her day and perhaps forever. She was a woman of bravery and courage, a symbol to the ladies of that day and today to reach for the extraordinary as she did.

Earhart’s history in the San Fernando Valley runs deep. She came here in the late 1920s, went to USC, flew at Lockheed, married publicist George Putnam and settled in Toluca Lake. She shopped in North Hollywood, golfed at Lakeside [Golf Club] and flew with the Ninety Nines.


Today, Linda Finch circumnavigates the globe in her honor, and we search for support to bronze the statue of Earhart in North Hollywood Park.


MCCREARY, Chairman,

Amelia Earhart Historical

Education Committee

North Hollywood
