
Van Nuys Airport

On Jan. 27, I wrote to Mayor Richard Riordan, City Atty. Jim Hahn, L.A. Department of Airports Executive Director Jack Driscoll, and Airport Commission President Dan Garcia calling for immediate and strict enforcement of the Van Nuys Airport resolution, which sets a 12,500-pound weight limit on air taxis and charter flights.

During the past several years there has been a great increase in the number of air taxi and charter operations that violate the commission’s resolution, established in April 1969 and reaffirmed on several occasions.

As of April 2, we have not received a response from any of those in command of the airport. Months have elapsed and no effective action has been taken.


Those who control Van Nuys Airport have a moral, ethical and legal responsibility to the public to see that airport resolutions are fully and honestly implemented. If the airport is not happy with the present weight limits on air taxis and charters, or has thoughts of expansion, these things must be changed in the open, with adequate public notice, hearings and an environmental impact report.

The voices of residents and their elected representatives will be heard loud and clear: No weight limit increases and no airport expansion!


President, Homeowners of Encino
