
Medical Center Salutes 27 Employees

Ventura County Medical Center honored 27 employees for “professionalism and a caring attitude” at an employee recognition awards ceremony. The nominees were selected through a patient satisfaction survey and by co-workers. The winners are categorized by title.

Certified respiratory therapy technician: Tom Adelman.

Registered nurse: Betty Allen, Jane Barbosa, Karen Bateman, Bea Frias, Debbie La’o, Lisa McPheeters, Carol Morton, Eileen O’Neill.

Medical assistant: Eva Andrade.

Licensed vocational nurse II: Kathy Rosenblad.

Licensed vocational nurse: Ofelia Avila.

Doctor: Daniel Clark, Dean French, Ann Gasior, William Goldie, Brock Jones, Robert Lefkowitz, Eric Leibovitch.


Registered physical therapist: Ellen Craig.

Lead housekeeper: Linda Garcia.

Housekeeper: Miguel Lozano.

Physician assistant: Jennie Gilbert.

Radiography, radiologic technician: Kathleen Kellerhouse.

Office assistant: Kathi Montag.

Medical office assistant I: Maribelle Raya.

Medical office assistant: Marittza Reynoso.

Environmental Award Presented * Partners In Progress For A Beautiful Ventura received an Environmental Leadership Gold Award from the Ventura County Economic Development Assn.--Environmental Affairs Division.

The nonprofit organization coordinates 20 to 25 beach cleanups a month along Ventura’s coastline from Surfer’s Point to Marina Cove. The group has about 300 active volunteers who assist in the cleanups.

Business Leaders Group Honors Couple * Laurel and Ken Warner of Westlake Village were honored with a Circle of Life Award given by the Valley Jewish Business Leaders Assn., a support group for the Jewish Home for the Aging of Los Angeles. The Warners were recognized for their service to the community.


Awards and Honors is compiled by Rodney Bosch. Please address items to Awards and Honors, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items can also be faxed to The Times at 653-7576 or 653-7548.
