
Property Owners Face Thursday Tax Deadline

Ventura County’s 217,618 property owners have until midnight Thursday to pay their second tax installment for this fiscal year.

Mailed payments must be postmarked before midnight Thursday, said Harold S. Pittman, county tax collector.

Tax payments can also be placed in a drop box on the Telephone Road side of the Ventura County Government Center from 5 p.m. to midnight Thursday.


In addition to checks, Discover cards may be used to pay property taxes.

A fee ranging from $1 to $5 is added to the bill.

People who mail a check that bounces are assessed a $45 fee in addition to any applicable penalties for late payment of taxes.

People prepared to wait in line may pay their taxes in person at the government center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.

Property owners who have not received their tax bill should call 654-3744. Penalties are assessed even if a person does not receive a bill, Pittman said.


So far, the county has received about $302 million in property taxes, about $200 million shy of the yearly total.

The average yearly tax bill is $2,309.64.
