
Ban on Sleeping in Cars on Public Land Expected

In response to residents’ complaints, the City Council on Monday is expected to tighten its anti-camping ordinance by prohibiting people from sleeping in cars on public property.

The council approved the anti-camping ordinance in November 1995, making it illegal to camp on public grounds. The ordinance allowed groups such as the Boy Scouts to sleep in public parks with a permit.

But the ordinance failed to ban car sleeping, said Mayor Art Brown.

“This is just something that got left off,” he said. “We’re having trouble with people sleeping in city parks. We’re getting a lot of complaints.”


Police said residents regularly complain about strangers sleeping in their cars on public streets.

“Most citizens are very concerned about someone unfamiliar to them sleeping in a car in front of their home,” a police report on the proposed amendment said.

Sleepy motorists still would be able to pull off the road and rest for up to two hours under a provision of the proposed law. And people sleeping in driveways on private property also would not be affected.


Penalties for the new misdemeanor would include fines up to $1,000 for each offense and the possibility of a six-month jail term.

The council meeting begins at 5 p.m. at City Hall, 6650 Beach Blvd.

Information: (714) 562-3500.
