
Moore’s Lawyers Seek Delay in Sentencing in Extortion, Tax Case

Former Compton Councilwoman Patricia Moore is too depressed and in too much physical pain to appear for her scheduled sentencing in federal court April 14 for extortion and income tax code violations, her attorneys said in a motion filed this week.

Moore’s lawyers are seeking a delay of at least three months from U.S. District Judge Consuelo B. Marshall. Earlier this year, Moore won a two-month postponement because of a bathroom fall she reportedly suffered.

The latest request to put off sentencing was based largely on an evaluation by Sheldon D. Goodkind, a licensed marriage, family and child counselor, who described Moore as “a very sick woman who will need substantial medical and emotional support over an extended period of time if she is not to descend into a suicidal episode.”


A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office said Thursday that the prosecution will oppose any further delay of sentencing.

Moore, who remains free, was convicted last year of extorting payoffs from two businesses in 1991 and 1992 while serving on the Compton City Council. She testified during the jury trial that she was illegally entrapped by FBI operatives.
