
Judge Affirms Suit by TV Host to Block Demolition of Naval Station

A lawsuit by a television host to block demolition of the Long Beach Naval Station should be heard, but the state cannot be forced to pay damages no matter the outcome, a judge ruled Thursday.

Huell Howser, host of KCET’s “California’s Gold” and other shows, contends that the abandoned recreational and housing facilities on the base should be made available to the public instead of being razed.

Long Beach officials say the land would be put to a more profitable use as a cargo terminal. The Port of Long Beach has leased the property to a Chinese state-run shipping line, although the U.S. Navy has yet to release the land to the city.


Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Abby Soven threw out the part of Howser’s claim that would allow him to collect damages from the state.

Howser’s attorney said he was having the site appraised, but estimated it is worth $300 million. Under California law, any citizen can file suit and seek damages on the grounds that tax dollars are being improperly allocated.
