
Technology Center Opens Medical Office

Recognizing Orange County as a hotbed of medical and biotech research and development, the nonprofit California Manufacturing Technology Center has formed a group to work exclusively with local medical manufacturers.

“Orange County has an estimated 2,000 medical-related manufacturers,” says David Braunstein, the Hawthorne center’s chief executive. “We’ve formed the medical technology group to provide this vibrant industry with the affordable and objective services it needs to survive and grow.”

In addition to the normal complement of consultants, the medical group is staffed with specialists who can help manufacturers make sense of the mounds of paperwork federal regulators require.


The medical technology office is located in the center’s Orange County regional headquarters in Anaheim and can be reached by calling the center’s managing director, Raoul Novak, at (714) 687-6400. The center’s Web page, with links to all sorts of help for manufacturers, can be found at


John O’Dell covers major Orange County corporations and manufacturing for The Times. He can be reached at (714) 966-5831 and at [email protected]
