
Woman Escapes Intruder After Confrontation Outside Shower

A woman in her early 20s stepped out of the shower Tuesday night and confronted an intruder who demanded money and attempted a sexual assault, police said Wednesday.

The intruder, who entered the Laguna Club apartment through an open sliding door, threatened the victim with a knife, gagged her and tied her hands behind her back.

“There was a sexual attempt made,” Investigator Lou Gutierrez said.

When the stranger walked outside the woman’s bedroom, she was able to close and lock the door behind him. Still bound, she called the police, but the intruder escaped, Gutierrez said.


Police, assisted by a Sheriff’s Department helicopter, searched the area. The suspect is wanted on suspicion of attempted robbery and sexual assault.

Investigators had not determined Wednesday whether the intruder had taken any property.
