
Sheriff’s Department to Hold Open House

Usually, the only time people get to tour the Sheriff’s Department’s East County Police Services building is when they have been caught committing a crime.

So for most Conejo Valley residents, the inner workings of the sheriff’s station at 2101 E. Olsen Road are a big mystery.

But on Saturday, sheriff’s deputies are inviting the public to visit the east county station during an open house from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., when deputies will lead visitors on tours through their outpost and answer questions.


Adults and children will get a close look at the specialized equipment the department uses to handle bombs, rescue people and protect the public, as well as an opportunity to check out squad cars, motorcycles and other vehicles.

Residents can also meet members of specialized units in the Sheriff’s Department, such as the bicycle patrol and K-9 corps and their handlers.

Fingerprinting for schoolchildren will be available, and residents are encouraged to bring cameras and take pictures.


For more information, or directions to the station, call 494-8239.
