
Kofi Annan

It’s obscene that U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan must grovel before a right-wing jingoist like Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. But this is the situation as Annan attempts to convince our government, and Helms, to pay our $1.3-billion debt to the U.N.

Adding insult to this grievous injury is Helms’ demand that he approve U.N. “reforms” before any funding is allocated. Meanwhile, the Clinton administration exacerbates this charade by acquiescing to Helms’ demands.

By tolerating this sad behavior, it appears the American people have become so obsequious they will condone almost anything, even as it shames this country before the world community. Our total U.N. debt, by the way, is less than we spend on the military every two days.


This dangerous farce can be ended by acknowledging that a strong U.N. is imperative to resolve our common global problems in the years ahead; that it must be politically and financially supported, and that it must never be humiliated to serve the intellectual shortcomings of a Jesse Helms.

If the American people will demonstrate this good sense, and the mettle it requires, the rest of the world will applaud.


San Francisco
