
L.A. City Council District 7

Proposition 8, a measure backed by Mayor Richard Riordan, asks voters to create an elected 15- member panel to overhaul the 72- year- old charter that many believe is outdated and cumbersome.

District 7 Charter Reform Candidates

Marcos Castaneda

Occupation: Aide to Councilman Richard Alarcon

Age: 37

Hometown: Sylmar

Endorsements: Mayor Richard Riordan, Councilman Richard Alarcon, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor

Robert Winn

Occupation: Retired Union Representative

Age: 52

Hometown: Mission Hills

Endorsements: Los Angeles County Democratic Party, Neighborhood Cause Coalition, Valley Leaders for Charter Reform


Sam Kimura

Occupation: independent contractor

Age: N/A

Hometown: N/A

