
Spanish Speakers Filing More Lease Complaints


Mexican consular officials announced Monday that complaints by Spanish-speaking consumers against auto leasers in Orange County have increased sharply in the past month, and warned anyone leasing a vehicle to make sure they understand their contract.

More than a dozen Spanish-speaking residents have called the consulate in Santa Ana over the past two weeks to say they were misled by auto dealerships in apparent violation of state law, said Santa Ana attorney Jess Araujo, general counsel for the consulate here.

Many of those people went to dealerships seeking to purchase a vehicle, but claimed they were told it would be cheaper to lease. They did so, mistakenly believing they were leasing to buy, Araujo said.


Others negotiated contracts verbally in Spanish, but signed English-language leases that contained different terms, he said. State law requires that businesses negotiating in Spanish also provide written contracts in Spanish.

Questionable auto-leasing arrangements and deceptive practices aimed at Latinos have recently emerged as major new sources of consumer fraud across the country, according to an October survey by two national consumer groups.

In Orange County, Araujo said, complaints have shot up only recently. His office is investigating the allegations and is considering legal action, he said.


Araujo held a news conference Monday with Marisela Quijano-Mooneyham, the Mexican Consul for Orange County, to encourage anyone with doubts to double-check their leases or call the consulate for assistance.

“One of our concerns is to prevent fraud in our community,” Quijano-Mooneyham said. “People have been led to believe they’re leasing to buy when that isn’t the case. If you have signed one of these, review your contract.”

Araujo said it appears that minorities with poor English skills are being targeted.

“Who are the people who can most easily be abused in this way?’ he asked. “People who don’t speak English and don’t understand the terms of a lease.”


Anyone who feels they may have been victimized should call the consulate at (714) 835-3069.
