
Holocaust Survivor to Speak at Chapman

Holocaust survivor Alicia Appleman-Jurman, award-winning author of “Alicia: My Story,” will discuss her experiences at a Chapman University presentation today.

The event is the first of several speeches in Chapman’s Holocaust Lecture Series, which runs through May.

Appleman-Jurman, who was 9 when the Nazis invaded Poland, lost her entire family during the war. University officials said her story is also one of daring rescue, because Appleman-Jurman worked to bring others to safety.


Appleman-Jurman’s speech will begin at 4 p.m. in Argyros Forum 208.

The series is part of professor Marilyn Harran’s “Topics in the Holocaust” class, which examines the historical, social and cultural situation in Germany in this century and the history of anti-Semitism in Western Europe.

Past speakers have included Leopold Pfefferberg, a Schindler’s list survivor.

Other upcoming lectures: April 24, Irene Gut Opdyke, who risked her life to free imprisoned Jews; and May 8, Leon Leyson, one of the few remaining Schindler’s list survivors.

The lectures are free and open to the public.

Chapman University is at 333 N. Glassell St. in Orange. Information: (714) 997-6636.
