
Youths to Be Honored for Science Ability

Six students from six Valley high schools will be honored Thursday for finishing on top in a science contest sponsored by the research and education departments of the Sepulveda VA Medical Center.

The students were selected by science teachers and school principals for their knowledge of science and for their ability to apply that knowledge to science projects, said program coordinator Dolores Lefevre.

“High school students don’t often get recognized, and these are excellent students who are really deserving,” Lefevre said.


In addition to $100 United States savings bonds, each student will receive a certificate of achievement and will be congratulated by Assemblyman Tony Cardenas (D-Sylmar), among other officials expected to attend Thursday’s luncheon.

The students to be honored are Marissa Miyazaki of Granada Hills High School, Jennifer Duncan of Los Angeles Baptist High School in North Hills, Cari Meyer of Kennedy High School in Granada Hills, Brian Sandoval of San Fernando High School, in Pacoima, Khoi Tram of Monroe High School in North Hills and Heather Mostman of Alemany High School in Mission Hills.

The dual purpose of the science contest, Lefevre said, is to recognize the students’ work by encouraging scientific study and to inform the public about research projects at the medical center.


“We not only assist the vets but the public at large because many medical breakthroughs come about as a result of research done at the VA medical centers around the country,” Lefevre said.

Research projects currently underway at the Sepulveda VA include studies on sleep disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, hypertension, diabetes and osteoporosis, she said.
